NAAIA (National African American Insurance Association)



NAIA—National Association of Insurance Agents

NAIB—National Association of Insurance Brokers, Inc.

NAIC—National Association of Insurance Commissioners

NAIC Insurance Regulatory Information System (IRIS)




NAII—National Association of Independent Insurers

NAIW—National Association of Insurance Women

name schedule bonds

named insured

named perils policy

NAMIC—National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies




National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA)

National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research

National Association of Casualty and Surety Agents

National Association of Casualty and Surety Executives

National Association of Health Underwriters

National Association of Independent Insurers

National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies

National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII)

National Association of Insurance Agents (NAIA)

National Association of Insurance Brokers, Inc. (NAIB)

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

National Association of Insurance Women (NAIW)

National Association of Mutual Insurance Agents

National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC)

National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices, Ltd. (NAPSLO)

National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)

National Association of Subrogation Professionals

National Association of Surety Bond Producers, Inc.

National Automobile Theft Bureau

National Board Schedule

National Building Code

National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds

National Council on Compensation Insurance

National Crop Insurance Services

National Fire Protection Association

National Flood Insurance Act of 1968

national health insurance

National Organization of Life and Health Guaranty Associations (NOLHGA)

National Risk Retention Association (NRRA)

National Safety Council

National Workers Compensation Reinsurance Pool

nationwide definition

Nationwide Inter-Company Arbitration Agreement

Nationwide Marine Definition

natural perils

natural premium

natural resource(s) damages






negative film insurance


NEL—noneconomic loss

net amount at risk

net cash value

net increase

net level premium reserve

net line

net loss

net premium

net premiums written

net profit

net retained lines clause

net retention

net underwriting loss

net underwriting profit

neutral coverage evaluation

new for old

New York Board of Fire Underwriters

New York Insurance Exchange



no-fault automobile insurance

no-load fund

nominal damages

nonadmitted assets

nonadmitted company

nonadmitted insurance

nonadmitted insurer

nonadmitted reinsurer

nonassessable mutual

nonassessable policy

nonbinder risk

noncancelable or noncancelable/guaranteed renewable policy

noncancelable policy

noncertified act of terrorism

noncontributory plan

non-cumulation clause


nonduplication of benefits

noneconomic loss (NEL)

nonfleet automatic

nonforfeiture benefit

nonforfeiture value


nonmedical application

nonowned automobile liability insurance

nonparticipating insurance

nonprofit insurers

nonproportional reinsurance

nonrecording chattel mortgage policy


nonrenewal laws

nonresident agent

nonsmoker discount

nonstandard insurance

nonvalued policy

nonwaiver agreement

normal retirement age

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

Not Elsewhere Classified

Not Otherwise Classified

not taken

notary public bond

notice of loss

notice of occurrence

notice to company


Nuclear Energy Insurance Association

nuclear energy liability insurance

nuisance value

numerical rating system

numismatic property

nurse case manager

nursing home professional liability policy

nursing liability